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Homework Proves Out to Be a Herculean Task.

Logics of Academic Overburdening

At many academic institutions, it is a general concept to give lot of homework to the students to burden them with too much study load even after a long tiring study session at the institution itself. The postulated idea behind posing piling homework on the exhausted minds of the students who already have too much work to do at the institution itself is said to be arising from a contradictory notion. While some of the experts suggest that too much homework can poop out the mental energy of the student and prostrate the overall growth of the student; there are many teachers and mentors who condemn the idea of “little or no homework” as they advocate that excessive home assignments will keep the student engaged in the academic contemplation at all times and will enhance the student’s ability to concentrate on studies. The latter idea of academic upbringing forms the grounds of the overburdening of the students with study loads. A recent academic study discovered that when scholars aged 6 to 8 did an average homework for about 52 minutes in a week in 1981; the stats went rising up to 128 minutes per week by 2007.

Anticipations Behind too Much Study Load

At many academic institutions, it is a general concept to give lot of homework to the students to burden them with too much study load even after a long tiring study session at the institution itself. The postulated idea behind posing piling homework on the exhausted minds of the students who already have too much work to do at the institution itself is said to be arising from a contradictory notion. While some of the experts suggest that too much homework can poop out the mental energy of the student and prostrate the overall growth of the student; there are many teachers and mentors who condemn the idea of “little or no homework” as they advocate that excessive home assignments will keep the student engaged in the academic contemplation at all times and will enhance the student’s ability to concentrate on studies. The latter idea of academic upbringing forms the grounds of the overburdening of the students with study loads. A recent academic study discovered that when scholars aged 6 to 8 did an average homework for about 52 minutes in a week in 1981; the stats went rising up to 128 minutes per week by 2007.

As the world is gradually stepping down into the dense and swarming terrain of mounting academic counteraction, it is a barefaced fact that the children are being overburdened with too much homework at educational centers. The mentors at the educational institutions take the above mentioned concept as a spurring instrument for the fabrication of the child’s mental ability to level up with the ever growing competition among the fellow students. Their anticipation on application of the idea of giving too much homework is derived from the fear of failure for their students and their rising expectations from the students to keep performing best at every level of academic competition.

Negatives of Too Much Homework

Usually the students can be observed for carrying a frowning sad face while returning from their institute after daily classes. When asked, they always are found complaining about too much homework that has to be done every day and they finally admit about getting bored out of it. This simply places the students out of the line from understanding the study course and learns from their homework assignments. Another drawback of too much homework for students is that the lengthened amounts of study plans keep the students overly busy for long hours at home for the sake of completion of their homework and deprive the students of their leisure time actually meant for their entertainment and other activities.

This result is restricting the all around growth and preparation of the child’s character and personality along with preventing the development of the child’s general abilities of team work, relationships, human character, and physical exercise. Moreover, the exaggerating and limitless work loads take its turn to build out extreme stress and pressure for a child which results in to a underprivileged and depressed state of mind for the student and proves to be a discouragement for the student to take further interest in study course and the child then begins to look out for all possible excuses to avoid homework.

Remedial Measures

It is unexplainably important for the parents as well as the teachers to understand the overall declining mental condition and acceptance of the students at any level of education about the increasing work load. Counting on the above mentioned facts about the cons of the over too much homework, certain remedial measures must be undertaken to cancel out the ill effects of the homework assignments on the student’s psychological chart.


Importantly, the homework given must be cardinally considerable on the scale of its quality, that is, the parameter of the element of the work given rather than on the scale of quantity. Apart from this, the parents are required to stay calm about the assignments and must not only encourage the students to accomplish the set goal about every day’s homework but must also accompany them and help them to execute the goal plan.